Ubu the King - Premiere
16 Oct | 19:00


Alfred Jarry’s “Ubu The King” had its debut in Paris in 1896, a precursor of Dadaism and the Theatre of the Absurd. Vulgar, opaque, aggressively playful, “Ubu” is a parody of “Macbeth” and “Hamlet”, set in a surreal Poland and exploring the banality of compromise. Directed by Jan Klata and co-produced by Unsound, the piece also features music by Kraków-resident Leyland Kirby, made under the direction of Klata. This premiere is followed by two matinees on Friday and Sunday afternoon, all with surtitles in English. A separate ticket is required apart from the festival pass, which can be obtained from the Narodowy Stary Teatr's website.

  • Jan Klata
  • Leyland Kirby