Posthumanist Therapy

Johannes Klabbers is possibly the world’s first ever resident therapist at a festival – available for free sessions. Trained in reality therapy, narrative therapy and secular pastoral care, Johannes is an Australian writer/therapist, former experimental sound artist and ex-academic who is currently developing a posthumanist approach to therapy. His book “I Am Here”, about working with people who have cancer, is available for purchase from the festival office. A session takes 1-2 hours and can be tailored for all ages, individuals or couples. Two time slots are available each weekday during the festival inclusive at 2pm and 4pm. To book a session email During the festival week please book direct with the festival office.

Stop press! Also available: free ten minute instant sessions. Discuss any question. Why am I here? Is it possible to not be an arsehole? Will going vegetarian help? How do I know I exist? 
Monday to Friday from 10.30 to 12 noon in – location TBA – no need to book. Just show up.